Redesign: The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco consists of the de Young and the Legion of Honor. I redesigned their home, join + give, and tickets pages with the intention of making the website easier to navigate.

Interface Design


Spring 2021

Noticeable Opportunities for Improvement

  1. There is an overwhelming number of pages, which makes the website hard to understand and navigate at times.

  2. When looking at the upcoming events, it is not made clear as to which museum the event is held at and the museums are 10 minutes apart from each other without traffic.

  3. Selecting the tickets page opens up a new tab and displays a blank calendar and to view the events you have to click on each day.

The Home Page

Starting with the home page, I wanted to make sure that it was clear that this website was for two separate museums. I also wanted to include a short description for each museum and a button that leads you to that museum’s about page.

After the descriptions for the two museums, I placed two buttons for becoming a member and to sign up for the newsletter. Both important actions and should be easy to find on the website. The page then has a carousel of featured events for the current week to catch the eye of those browsing the site. All the pages end with a footer including the information for both of the museums. 

Join + Give

On the Join + Give page there is information for becoming a member and for the member services. Following that are all the types of memberships with the price, description and benefits, and the ability to join, renew, or gift the membership. Similar to how there is a featured events carousel on the home page, the Join + Give page has a carousel full of upcoming member events.

Tickets Page

I created a calendar for each museum so that it was clear as to which location the event was being held at. I also wanted to add a calendar for people who are signed into their account, which suggests events to people based off of the ones they have been to in the past. Instead of displaying the events in a calendar view, I turned it into a list so that you could scroll to look through the events without clicking in and out of each of the days. 


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